Update 2003-10-03: The new version is 0.20. The changes in this version include a 90% reduction in file size and hopefully improved compatibility with Windows XP, both due to removing some 65,000 empty glyphs. As you can see from the screenshot above, I also did a Toga Serif, similarly to how I did Toga Sans. Additionally, the RPM package is more in line with the other font packages available for Mandrake; I'd based it on a Red Hat spec file previously which was causing the fonts to work everywhere but OpenOffice.
I'm using Toga Sans as my default font now and it looks very nice, but I have no idea what I may have done to other encodings, special characters, non-antialiased usage, etc. I'm putting it out there because (a) I and many others have been wanting a font as pretty as Bitstream Vera Sans but narrower for screen use, and (b) I'm hoping a "real" font designer will get annoyed at this quick hack and do a real "Bitstream Vera Sans Condensed". :) The same goes for the serif font, but to a lesser extent. While the version is 0.20, I don't foresee any need for updates unless another problem is discovered or the original Vera fonts get a major update, so I guess this is sort of equivalent to a 1.0 release.
RPM: fonts-ttf-toga-0.20-1mdk.noarch.rpm
Source RPM: fonts-ttf-toga-0.20-1mdk.src.rpm
ZIP: ttf-toga-0.20.zip
PfaEdit source files: ttf-toga-pfaeditfiles-0.20.tar.gz
This page and modifications to the font are Copyright 2003 Rob Kudla/Binara Inc. See COPYRIGHT.TXT in distribution for terms of use or this page for more information about the font from which this was derived. Toga Sans is a trademark of Binara, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Binara, Inc. and Rob Kudla are not associated with Bitstream, Inc. and GNOME. Binara is not a recursive acronym.